Monday, March 12, 2018

Back in the Saddle Again

After taking a break for just over two years, I have decided to get back to blogging again. During my internship and thesis work, the blog felt more like an assignment than sharing my passion. So I took a break....and here I am back.

A quick view of what I've been doing in the meantime.

March-May2016: Dietetic Internship and presentation of thesis research at Experimental Biology as part of the American Soceity for Nutirtion

March-December 2016: Write and defend thesis including one chapter published in JNEB, study for, take and pass the RD exam on the first try

January-April 2017: Work as a Registered Dietian in a long-term care facility as well as with the after school nutrition education reserach grant that funded my thesis

May-July 2017: Job search and preparing to move to wait Florida (post to come)!

July 2017: Move to central Florida

Fall 2017: Start my first full-time job, survive a hurricane and get engaged!

Be on the lookout for the first full post next Wednesday for RD Day!

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